Trapper’s Quiche

Okay, so I’m now getting out of Desserts and diving into my first Main Dish in the cookbook: Trapper’s Quiche👩🏻‍🍳 The difficulty level is Medium so I’m rather curious how this will turn out. 

The ingredients took me a while to find in the grocery since I’m not familiar with western food 🤔 In fact, I had to substitute some like the onion for shallot and regular basil for the Thai basil leaves. It’s also weird how it’s very specific in quantity such as 4 shiitake mushrooms and 1 king oyster mushroom… Yeah, that’s a bit too specific 😓

So first on the list is to combine the egg mixture together 🥣

Then sauté the mushroom 🍄 and onion 🧅 Amazing how the mushrooms shrink when it’s cooked.

And now for the assembling, which is always my favorite part in cooking 💖 For this one I feel like I was making pizza 😆

However, adding the egg mixture makes it different.

Now it’s time for some baking 🔥

Phew, this one took almost an hour to cook! It came out a little raised but ever since I’ve started baking, I knew this was temporary. Nothing to worry about 😁

After 10 minutes of letting it cool, it finally settled down.

And there you have it! The ✨Trapper’s Quiche✨ from the FFXIV Cookbook!

For the taste, it’s quite good! Although it’s not the type of dish that I can eat in large quantity and personally, I think it needs some meat to make it feel more fulfilling. Of course, that is coming from a meat lover ❣️🍖❣️

All in all, it’s a good dish to start with from the Main Dish section. The only obstacle I had was looking for the ingredients (probably why difficulty level was Medium 😆) and grating the cheese. Other than that, it’s pretty straight forward and I’m ecstatic how this turned out 🥰

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